
We have been getting a flood of comment spam lately, and I am tempted to post about how we, in fact, have the lowest prices on the assorted products being advertised, but I’m scared that having those keywords in a post will summon more comment spam seeking SEO links. Heck, I’m scared that “lowest prices” will do it, the way that old posts observing that people found Kill Ten Rats through Google searches for porn led to more people finding Kill Ten Rats through Google searches for porn because “porn” was in a recent post.

I just did it again, didn’t I? Maybe the spam will become more interesting.

: Zubon

7 thoughts on “Spam”

  1. It’s reductions lately. Logged in after a couple of days and had 600 askimet caught spam posts. I have no clue why the sudden influx.

  2. Yes, but you only know you have arrived when ‘ringworm antifungal creme’ leaves spam comments on your blog!

  3. Perhaps another post comparing game designers with porn stars is in order?

  4. Had to turn off comments on older posts because the spam was getting silly, like 100ish comments that made it past WordPress filtering level of silly. I think WordPress catches like 10k per day or something.

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