Super Day 10

[City of Heroes] The static group rides again. We did a few missions in the Hollows and one in Atlas Park. The XP flowed like cool tar, slow. At the end of the night I had three more bars than when I started (1/3 of one level). *yawn*

My brother commented before the third mission that he was done after we finished it. Asked why and he said he can’t take much more of that game in one setting. He said it is too repetitive. He is right on that point, CoH does feel very repetitive, always has to me. I had hoped the static group would make up for that, but it is starting to make itself rather obvious.

When you compare to other games like World of Warcraft, you can really see the intelligence behind the design of the quests. It certainly hides the repetitive nature of the game better than CoH.

Is there more to CoH that shows up in later levels? It certainly feels like the missions are all mostly the same. Kill all the guys indoors or kill 10 outdoors. Sometimes they toss in something to destroy or someone to rescue, but the motions you go through in each mission is exactly the same. Need more variety.

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I own this little MMO gaming blog but I hardly ever write on it any more. I'm more of a bloglord or something. Thankfully I have several minions to keep things rolling along.

2 thoughts on “Super Day 10”

  1. **Is there more to CoH that shows up in later levels? It certainly feels like the missions are all mostly the same. Kill all the guys indoors or kill 10 outdoors. Sometimes they toss in something to destroy or someone to rescue, but the motions you go through in each mission is exactly the same. Need more variety. **

    This is something I’ve been harping on since I started to play this game. They need to add more unique kinds of missions, and they need tons more tilesets.

    The good news is that when you get a bit higher level, you get to fight some more interesting opponents in more interesting locations. Hellions and Skulls get a little boring after awhile, and my interest in Vahzlok wore off pretty fast – I’ve never liked them, really, they’re too tough for the level at which they appear. I used to really like the 5th Column missions, the Skyraiders look pretty cool, the Freakshow can be pretty funny…

    But the bad news is that the missions, while they may have a lot more backstory in the story arc, usually wind up spawning the same sort of mission: defeat a boss and his men, rescue 5 hostages, defuse 5 bombs, etc. Too many of these bosses lack the personality and individualized costumes of comic book supervillains, and of course I can’t do anything really interesting to save normals, I can’t run around and grab them at superspeed to whisk them out of harms way – all I can do is beat up the 2 guys threatening them. Which lacks something, since normals are actually invulnerable anyway. Mind you their are other things to do, boss monsters to go after (the REALLY giant squid in Independence Port is one example), and I’ve heard that the new missions in Striga Isle are pretty cool.

    It helps me a lot that I’ve always been a huge superhero comic fan, so the thrill of just getting to use the many cool superpowers in this game is helpful. The travel powers can be fun, especially Superleap. And I find the characters more fun and interesting when they get up into their mid-twenties and have a better selection of powers. They finally start to feel “super” then.

    Lack of variety is a real issue in this game, and it’s one that they haven’t dealt with fast enough in my opinion.

  2. I’m afraid not. I don’t think it gets any better, in fact in my opinion it gets worse. I think the game design of CoH is pretty poor. It basically boils down to, you can kill everything with little effort, or it kills you with little effort. There is no give and take, there are very few situations where I did something that pulled me out of the fire. I really like the timer skills in WoW, if I’m fighting and an extra monster aggros, I can hit evasion/cold blood/blind/vanish all depending on where I am at with the first mob.

    In CoH, I can chew inspirations, but its not the same, either I have to chew the big ones that drop randomly, or I have to chew 4 small ones that I can replace later from vendors.

    Don’t even get me started in psionics… I can just see the meeting where they decided… hhhmmm its boring, everyone always wins. I know! Put psionics in which give the mobs an I win button!

    Maybe the psionic resisting inspirations help with that now *shrug*

    It got to the point with my blaster that all battles were over in 5 seconds. I won, or I died in 5 seconds. I just found that too boring to continue with.

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