About KTR

This site is forever dedicated to the memory of our good friend and an amazing person, father and husband: Zach “Ravious” Best. You will always live on in our hearts. Please consider making a donation in his honor to Child’s Play charity. Thank you!

A little background from Ethic:

I started Kill Ten Rats in 2004 as an outlet for my thoughts and feelings regarding playing Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPG), which is pretty much all I ever play. When I can’t play them, I talk about them. When I can’t talk about them, I write about them. When I can’t write about them, I think about them. This became a central base for me to seek out others like me.

Over time, it sort of evolved into a running commentary about playing MMOs (and other games) and a few additional people signed up to rant and rave alongside me. I never intended for this to become a destination for people to visit and read. Honestly, it was started just for myself to rant in a healthier way and with no intentions of having a single reader. But whatever my intentions were, here we are today.

In the grand scale of things, I look at MMOs and instead of seeing just the game before me, I see what the game *could have been*. MMOs really could be so much more than they currently are and I only hope we can open your eyes, if even just a little bit, to the real possibilities of this genre. Yet even with all their flaws, I’d still rather be playing an MMO.

I’ve been lucky enough to find some very talented people to join me on this quest. These people have really made the site what it is today. I’ll put links to their intro posts here for your information:

Ravious and Zubon

But that’s not all. We have had a few others grace our pages here over time and I can’t forget them. Special thanks to all these fine folks: BitterCupOJoe, Cyndre, Dave, DC, Dragon, Fat, James, Julian, lufia22, Makkaio, Nicodemus, Oz, Perideaux, ringthree, Spot, Suzina and Zxyrox. They are welcome to come back at any time.

Luckily for people like us, more MMOs come out each year and they keep getting better and better (and some are just plain awful). Feel free to look around and join in on the discussions.

– Ethic

Below: “Kill Ten Rats” by Obsidian.

It's a quest!