Meatspace Is Cheesespace

We drove through New Hampshire on a convention trip last year. The welcome center advertised liquor.

Our path to IMGDC went through Wisconsin. The welcome center advertised, “Cheese, gifts, fireworks.”

: Zubon

5 thoughts on “Meatspace Is Cheesespace”

  1. Sniff … what’s wrong with our dairy products, souvenirs, and combustibles? We were told you foreign devils liked those things …

  2. There’s a sign not too far from where I live. It advertises that they sell “Cheese & Taxidermy” …

  3. I assume the liquor sign was for the locals who are driven to drink. After all they have to live in New Hampshire.

  4. The liquor sign is for Massachusetts residents who drive to New Hampshire to buy alcohol when their local stores cannot sell to them due to blue book regulations.

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