Online Surveying Bleg

My workplace would like to do an online survey, but we do not have the capacity to recruit survey participants. We can write the survey, but putting it on Survey Monkey and asking around will not do it for us. I have taken surveys through Greenfield Online, but I have no idea what online survey companies there are, who is good, etc. Can anyone recommend an online surveying firm that supplies its own respondents? We are going to be looking for a limited age range and geographic area (of the United States).


: Zubon

2 thoughts on “Online Surveying Bleg”

  1. I just used Zoomerang on a two projects talking to both consumers and corp 500 folks. Sample sizes ranging from 300-500 folks using their web panel type recruit, came in around 2k per study, and thats using their survey tool + filtering and reporting stuff.

    The other thing you could do, much cheaper is mechanical turk from amazon. However you don’t have demographics up front, on the back you could get some demographics but they’ve be very loose if that. Still you could tripple the sample and probably get it over time, and its fast.

  2. I do tons of’s almost a hobby of mine. Online, I primarily do them through Zoomerang and SurveyClub. On the whole, Zoomerang has a simpler interface and easy of use.

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