Seriously Not Ready – Goldspam Edition

Despite claiming to be serious about goldspam, I have been getting tells from the same guy since last night. This would not be a problem except that the game’s ignore list does not work. Why is Mythic advertising an add-on? Because it cannot program basic functionality. I have canceled my account, although I will be playing out the month. Without tells. Great, I must throw out the basic means of communication in-game because the game does not have a functioning system for chat or player harassment.
call me when you can get an ignore list working
: Zubon

Update: Yep, turning off tells. The add-on does not work either. I should have known, given that Mythic was advertising it. edit: That was an unfair shot. They’re trying.

Update 2: “The stuff no one ever used in beta, like the chat system, sure that is not functioning properly. But I promise, tier 4 and the city raids will work.”

Update by request: the previous bug post, Zubon likes his Engineer, Zubon likes his Shaman, Zubon likes Warhammer bloggers, Zubon likes his guild, Zubon likes the flavor text, Zubon gives a mostly favorable review.

Much later update: about a month into things, they seem to have it fixed. There is a good reporting system (which the mail system should also use), there is server-side filtering, and SpamMeNot is working well.