Oh, happy day! After a long instance that involved running around disguised as an orc, the final boss of the instance fell and we rolled on the coveted radiance-gear token.
I typed /roll and saw the number 99 come up. I was wiggling in my seat.  I was slapping my thighs. Yes!!! I won the roll!
I’ve been having some trouble getting into instances all week, so I was stoked to get a chance to see FG for the first time, stoked to do it on hard mode, and even more stoked to win the token.
I have to wonder… would I have felt as excited if it wasn’t such a pain in the butt to get these tokens? Would I care so much if I had a kin that garunteed they would get me all the instances done? I don’t know.
challenge != pain
Just wait till you go after 16th Hall and Dark Delving ;-}
All the same, gratz!