And now on a lighter, less philosophical note, ArenaNet has just released a second trailer for Guild Wars 2 on the Races of Tyria! Such a beautiful thing (HD link). What a great treat right before the weekend. I really like the mechani-Spartan Charr, but all the races seem very cool. In other games, there are definitely ones that feel less cool. Cold, if you will. This game might make me a racial altoholic, in the best sense.
most adaptable to change
EDIT: Oh, and Felicia Day voices Zojja the Asuran. That’s pretty cool. I like their voice actors.
That female charr could mark the first ever time I’ve been interested in playing a catgirl.
The environments are already looking -outstanding- and that’s not a word I throw just like that.
Not super enthused about the Norn and the Sylvari myself though, to be honest.
God I hate the look of the Asura in an otherwise not-too-cartoony game :/
Also I haven’t been following the lore snippets for GW2 closely… what happened to the Dwarves? All annihilated by some dragon I suppose? Give me Dwarves over Asurans any day ^^
The Dwarves turned to stone. They still moved around. I think it helped them fight the Great Destroyer & his minions.