A Year and a Day

Today I will have written at Kill Ten Rats for a year and a day.  It is by far the longest I have ever solidly written for a blog, and I love every minute of it.  I was going to write out some huge what-I’ve-learned exposition, but I like bullet points.  We all like bullet points, right?

  • Never underestimate the power of the words “I think” or “in my opinion.”
  • Getting to know people in the industry is easier than you think, but it requires trust and patience (and sometimes travel).
  • We are not a news site, yet I feel sometimes the need to rush out “hot” posts.  I feel they are my worst ones.
  • Always give credit where it is due.  If another blog jogged your thought process give them a link.
  • I don’t think I could write my own blog.  I need the community and other active contributers here. My writing wouldn’t be anywhere as good as it is today without constantly reading Zubon’s posts.
  • Ethic should write more, especially about Fallen Earth. Otherwise put up a Twitter sidebar because you write there. :)
  • Our commentors are the best.  They are intelligent and keep us honest, especially Bonedead.
  • Write about what you love and want to share.  Don’t write for hits.
  • The best way of letting people know about your blog is to comment on others’.
  • Intelligent armchair quarterbacks are okay, but constructive player opinions and stories are best.  Unless you are a developer, you don’t need to give answers to problems you see.

wear sunscreen

14 thoughts on “A Year and a Day”

  1. Intelligent armchair quarterbacks are okay, but constructive player opinions and stories are best. Unless you are a developer, you don’t need to give answers to problems you see.


    This is wise, but is one of those “easier said than done” things. I’ve tried leaving the “developers” “to do their job” when I’m blogging about my experiences, but I just can’t do it sometime. At some point in the future, I would love to be able to just blog game experiences and not worry too much on game design.

  2. Congrats! Oh and about me writing more? There is a reason I decided to bring on additional folks here. I don’t have it in me to write much lately and keeping the site up and running properly takes a lot out of me. I have not played very often in the last year and it’s hard for me to find time to write when I can’t even find time to play. Winter is coming and that usually means more time for us icy north woods elders so hopefully you’ll get some more out of me.

    There is a Fallen Earth post floating around in my head though…

  3. “Unless you are a developer, you don’t need to give answers to problems you see.”

    Honestly, as an actual paid game designer I would have to say, even if you are a developer, you don’t need to give answers to problems you see. Developers (in particular, designers) sometimes get into trouble with tunnel vision and start to see their own choices as rules on how things should be done. As a developer best thing to do is shut up and try to learn something.

    As you can see, I’m not great at taking my own advice.

  4. Honestly I’m more a fan of numbered lists. Because then I could be like, RIGHT ON WITH #6 and LOLOL @ #7. But now I’ve gotta be like, I agree that Ethic should post more or have a twitter side bar (because we all loves us some Ethic) and I love when other blogs mention me especially since I’m the best thing since emailing pictures of sliced bread.

  5. Nice post, although Bonedead’s onto something with numbered lists :-)

    More Fallen Earth would be great. I’d love to see it do well but I can’t really bring myself to join an MMO without knowing some folks there, so blogs may be all I ever learn about it.

    I’m completely with Treason XIII about what developers need to do. Often they don’t have the answers (and often the players can see that) and it’s more important for them to be able to admit that than to try and blag it.
    And when it comes around that the problem is theirs to fix, they probably still don’t have the answers but if they’ve been listening hard they might have a better shot at guessing them ;-)

  6. Wow a year and a day grats man. This is a really good blog and I’m glad I came across it! Some inspiring bullet points for fellow bloggers.

  7. Of course we like bullet points. I’m happy to induct you into the Friends of the Bullet Point Society. Congratulations on your year and a day here at KTR. Some excellent thoughts for current and future bloggers.

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