Another year has passed us by and it’s time to once again reflect on the goals of KillTenRats. What started as a way for me to vent about the frustrations of MMO gaming has turned into something different. Not my intention perhaps, but what happened to it is just the result of going with the flow.
I don’t write nearly as much as I used to and since Zubon writes so much (and so well), I have turned into a reader of my own site. I actually find I enjoy it that way. I would love to see a few more writers here but with the situation being as it is, I must leave the contributors to their own desires of when and what to write about. Therefore, we end up with a few people that write something once a month. This is all fine with me, but I thought I would turn to you folks that come here for some feedback.
What is the main reason you come here? What would make you come here more often? Do you feel the number of posts per day is enough or would you like more? What about the quality of the posts, are they meeting your standards? What subjects are you most interested in, game play or game design? Should we add more writers or should I start writing more?
What I would like to see in the next year? I would like to contribute more personally. I would also like to see one or two new regular enjoyable writers added during the year. The people we have here I very much enjoy reading but I’d love to see more posts from some of the quieter folks. I want to add even more banners for the top of the page, that is perhaps my greatest joy of this place.
Finally, we are here because of you – the readers. If there existed no readers here, there would be no writers (besides me that is). Tell me what you want from us!
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and also for coming back to visit so many times over the last (almost) five years. It has been a real pleasure and I hope we can continue to entertain you folks now and then over the next five years.
– Ethic
I dig the thoughtful and (for lack of a better term) higher-level commentary and musing on MMOs in general and specific games. This site has thoughtful analysis any gamer can appreciate, not just specific grumblings on the number crunching of specific games. Keep that up and I’m happy. ;-} Having commentators from a variety of games is clutch.
What Moondog said, and I also appreciate the dry humour. I’m tempted to use Zubon as a dehumidifier during the summer.
Me, I read blogs not for specific info, but as a sort of daily social newspaper from people whose opinions enlighten and/or entertain me.
So, I kinda like KTR the way it is. Not very helpul, eh? :D
“I like it the way it is” is very helpful. It’s also nice to know that the way we have naturally headed is enjoyable. Hate to have to work too hard to entertain, you know haha.
I check a few times a day. Whenever I need to unfreeze my brain from work, I bloghop looking for the lastest posts and comments. Same as Ysh (and sorry like him as well), I can’t give any difinitive improvements. I would hate to say “Let’s see two posts a day” for the simple fact it may forced posts. The best posts I read hear (seem) to be come by naturally by the authors. I appreciate that. It’s a fine community here, regulars and visitors alike.
Hrm. More tea and crumpets? I mean, it is mid afternoon!
Suppose after all that I should also say a very big thank you for having the site for us to read in the first place.
*tips drink*
Proof reading is your friend. Yay terrible spelling errors!
(There’s a suggestion – the capability to edit your posts if it is within 1 minute of posting if that is possible. I proofread better once published!)
Short or requiring readers register to the site directly, I am not sure there is a way to allow visitors to edit their posts. I’d rather not require registration in order to post. You can always email me and ask me to edit your posts if you want.
Perhaps an optional registration? Hmm…
I love this place. There are always enjoyable things to read and if there hasn’t been a post recently (or it is the third time that day that I check this place) then there is a whole list of other places to check right there —->
A huge list. Bigger than any list ever before… Outlander!
I think it would be funny if writers had to play bad games though (/pokegigglelulz)
Yeah, registration is a barrier to entry. Not huge, but why mess with what works.
I’ll keep your email handy for my terrible errors. Thanks for the offer =P
Adding to the “I like the way it is” total.
I come here daily because there is always something new to read in my lunch break, and because you guys talk about a lot of different games, the industry in general, and it’s always interesting.
I also sometimes come here to click on your blogroll/favourites when I’ve run out of reading matter, as it is so long and most of the stuff on there is still being updated.
I haven’t been posting very often, I know (not just here, I haven’t been writing at all). My little lazyish kinda holidays break. It’ll pick up at some point when I get more ideas :)
I really enjoy the concise anecdotal style of Kill Ten Rats. I also like that the site isn’t afraid to contradict itself, often in the same day.
The frequency and quality of the more in-depth game design posts is about right and even when they miss their mark (not often) they are still an easy and entertaining read.
More of the same, please.
More SWG tbh imo.
Happy New Years everyone!
Let me chime in and say I like Kill Ten Rats pretty much “as-is”. I like the insights, opinions and just good old weblogging that I read here.
I even like the immensely long ‘Favorites’ list.
If you were to add something, I guess it’d be cool if you took some of that same good quality stuff and put it into comic strips, art, machinanima and perhaps a few song and dance routines. And a good recipe for thai curries.
No, really. What you’ve got is good. I’m just hungry. =)
echo the above things are good,
though we could use more posts relating to cybercat ATITD and lightsaber wielding lesbian mermaid slaves
“Perhaps an optional registration? Hmm…”
I like the idea of an optional registration if it lets you edit your posts.
That lets anybody at all who wants to post still do so without registration but if you want the extra ability of being able to edit you go through the very minor inconvenience of registration.
I like the site, though I do wish some of the others posted a little more often ,but not because I get bored with the ones who do post. The best thing about KTR has always been all the different people who post on it and their differing views on games and topics in general. So when only one or two people post it loses a little bit of that. However if that’s the way the blog has evolved that’s fine to me to.
Ethic: have you thought about adding the WP plugin that automatically notifies Twitter of new blog posts?
Bonedead: If your serious, you may be in luck soon. ;)
“If you’re serious” dammit.