This is the sort of thing that makes me want to give your company money.
Tech Support will rise from the ashes soon! With his trusty metal companions at his side, he will become an Architect to fear!
Or maybe it will suck and I’ll re-cancel a week later. Stay tuned to find out!
– Ethic
This is something people have been wanting for a while and I’m not talking about CoH players but every MMO player. Kudos to NCSoft
Wow. That could bring me back in the game after two years of absence.
That is freaking awesome, even cooler than I imagined it.
This is indeed freaking awesome. I assume they have some way of solving the “let’s make it really easy and run the mission all day to farm XP etc” drawback… look forward to hearing your experiences on it.
I think Ryzom had something like this, but it always seemed super complicated to me. This sounds promising.
I still have some free CoX game time from the demise of Tabula Rasa and I am definitely going to use it when this Issue goes live.
I really like the idea of this – I think it will be especially cool that people could work together to make long mission “campaigns.” This will add a much needed element to CoH.
This is legitimately awesome, and better than the original design plan. Good work, team.
Never got beyond the free trial with either game even though I have an unopend copy of CoH sitting upstairs. This sounds very interesting though.