A big prize is that you can now barter for Second Age legendary items. You do not get to pick what kind, but with a little more than a week’s worth of farming (or a few days plus all the early quests), you can get a random Second Age for your class. Or a low value IXP relic. Or a single rune. You’ll see a Turbine response on one of those threads: he’ll look into it, no promises.
: Zubon
I have some other negative things about Book Seven, like the weakness of the epic book itself, but I’m sleepy and I can grouse another time.
I am hesistand to resub for Book 7 right now. I reolled a Runekeeper when Moria hit the net and did all the raiding. i.e. full Set etc. but right now i does’nt feel worth coming back to, i sure hope Book 8 is coming soon.
The actual content they implement is usally neat and fun to do but there never seems to be nearly enough to really occupy oneself.
Raid-esque content has been light. A new dungeon cluster and/or multi-boss raid is coming with book 8 tho. I think book 7 was focused on soloers and polish. Turb likes to switch stuff up traditionally.