And I thought bubble + hearth was a myth…

wow[World of Warcraft] My brother and I took a trip out to Arathi Highlands about a week ago to pick up some PvP food for our honor farming at level 49. I want to hit Stoneguard before I hit 50 and have a whole new tier of BGs to play in. We decided to mess around and go look for some Alliance to kill. He wanted to try stealthing through Refuge Point. I sat on the edge of the town putting my Hunter’s Mark on Alliance to annoy them while my brother got beat up by some guards.

Continue reading And I thought bubble + hearth was a myth…

Brave New World

One of my biggest disappointments with MMORPGs has been the lack of actual adventure. Shortly after any MMORPG is released tons of information starts pouring in about the game. Large websites filled with detailed information about the game are set up. You don’t know how to complete a quest? Go look it up on a website, or, if you’re old school and/or your computer can’t handle an alt-tab, ask another player!

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Stayin’ Alive

wow[Stay Alive] My computer is still acting up so no MMOs for me still. It is kind of funny how I’ve become the cliche MMO player that finds himself with so much extra free time when he can’t play his games. They could make a Penny Arcade about me. I’ve taken this extra time to attend a few games of the World Baseball Classic and to go to the movies for the first time in a while. I saw V for Vendetta which was flawed but still great. Before the film there was a trailer for a horror film called Stay Alive from the producer of Charlie’s Angels and The OC about gamers being killed. It appears we have reached a social milestone: the first MMO film.

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Apology…and why RL can be a pain.

I feel obligated to write an apology to Ethic and everyone else here, Lately, I haven’t been active at all due to my own laziness, and within the last 3 weeks, being unable to be on at all, (RL 4tw)

Whether or not I will continue to write for KTR is up to Ethic at this point, I’m making an effort now to try to write more often as I seem to have put my life back together, I’ll see you all in game, as for now, I have some rats to kill.


Expanding High Level Content

kol[Kingdom of Loathing] Back at the Kingdom, 15 new skills have been added to the game. The long-term plan is to fight the Naughty Sorceress at level 15, not 11. The skills expanding the game in that direction are now mostly in, with the additional quests and such to follow as content is completed.

A bunch of new skills are now available from your friendly neighborhood Guild Trainer. All classes now have skills up to level 14, except Turtle Tamers, who only got a level 13 skill, and Accordion Thieves, who got their skills all the way to 15.

Discussion thread is here. As ever, new friends are welcome in the Kingdom. :)

: Zubon

Color Matters

In City of Heroes, before Enhancement Diversification, I could two-shot groups of yellow minions easily. Now I can two-shot groups of green minions easily. I can wipe out grays by the score and use knockback to send them further than a football field.

Ignoring leveling speed, it really should not make any difference whether you are beating up a green minion or an orange one. It is the same Freak Slammer. The level difference only affects the numbers over his head. Many games make you strong enough to fight only one even-level monster, but you could fight two or three lower level enemies at time. It is the same goblin, just with a different number.

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