Recent Searches

The popular monthly feature returns! Previously

Traffic was up in November. You tolerate us, you really really tolerate us! Our most popular post of the month was me! Drinks for everyone at the Kill Ten Rats Tiki Bar! (The post had links from a couple of other sites.) The other big winner of the month is, as always, the 2005 post on the end of Asheron’s Call 2. “Recent Searches” for November was #4, woo!

Okay, let’s hide your dirty thoughts below the fold. Not that I have seen them yet, but you know how you are.

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Obeying Outer Meanings

I am reading Douglas Hofstadter, and I am to his chapter “The Location of Meaning.” He argues that messages have three levels of meaning: frame, outer, and inner. The frame meaning is “this is a message”: you must recognize that there is something to decode here. The outer meaning is how to decode the message, to get from marks on a page to what the writer was trying to express. The inner meaning is what the writer was trying to express. To read a message in Japanese, you must (1) realize that it is writing, not a bunch of little pictures; (2) realize that it is Japanese (and be able to translate it); and (3) read it.

There are many puzzles yet to be solved because the fact that they are puzzles is not explicit. Games Magazine hides a puzzle in each issue, perhaps in the page layout or the structure of another puzzle. At least they tell you that there is a game afoot, if only you can find it. The titular Da Vinci Code is hidden in plain sight because nothing says, “This is a code!”

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Kouma and Cavedweller

My wife is so pretty My wife and I borrowed a friend’s account, and we made new heroes. Then we went out to beat up Hellions and Clockwork. Take that, evil! Paragon City has some new level five heroes!

My lovely wife does not play enough to justify a second account, but we conveniently have friends across the pond who go to bed in late prime time. Or very late, as I glance at the clock. Bother, I have work in the morning. This is another reason we do not play together too often: we like each other a lot, so we get swept up and forget to do things like sleep.

: Zubon

Holidays of Loathing

As a note to occasional Kingdom of Loathing players, the holidays are on again. You have your advent calendar and a new moon is visiting. The pirate cove has been revamped with a new quest. Really, I’m not the guy to ask about all this, since I am deeply into CoX at the moment and not paying much attention to KoL, but I thought I would mention. At least pop by to get your holiday candy at some point.

: Zubon

WoW Combat Tactics Saves Real Lives

Via Wonderland:

“…a young boy and his sister were attacked by a moose, and the boy reportedly “taunted” the moose away from his sister, and then feigned death, causing the moose to lose aggro and leave.

“Just like you learn in level 30 in World of Warcraft,” the boy is reportedly quoted as saying.”

Truly Epic.


Gifts From Gandalf

Turbine has wrapped up some holiday presents for players of Lord of the Rings Online. Current players subscribed at the normal $14.99 per month have the option to sign up for $9.99 per month if they pay via 3 month chunks at $29.97, not a bad deal if you are enjoying the game and missed out on the Founder’s pricing plans.

Speaking of Founders, Turbine has put a horse under the tree. This is a special horse to be used by level 25 and higher players. The normal horse was not available until 35, so this is a nice step up. Currently, it is only available to Founders and Lifetime account holders. I’d like to see it offered to all players and perhaps it will down the road. Since I have a Founder account and I’m almost level 22 right now, this is a perfect present for my Hobbit. Naturally, the level 25 horse is slower than the level 35 horse – but it’s got to be better than running everywhere.

More details can be found here and here.

– Ethic

Optional EVE Patch Eats Windows

According to these threads on the EVE Online boards, a flaw in an optional EVE:Trinity patch sometimes erases the boot.ini in the Windows directory instead of in the EVE Online directory. Unfortunately, c:\boot.ini is one of the main files used during the boot process of windows, and without a proper boot.ini file, Windows simply won’t start. The file is only used in the boot process, so it will run fine until it’s rebooted, at which point, getting the machine up and running again requires some fun tech support-type work.

Putting aside the obvious question, “How did this get past QA,” why would you ever name a file the same thing as an essential part of the OS? That’s just begging for trouble.

More PotBS Thoughts

I started to title this post: ‘Where FLS Went Wrong With Pirates,’ but after receiving my very first negative email in response to a blog post, accusing me of bring overly critical, having an axe to grind, and ‘contradicting myself numerous times throughout…’ I have chosen a more neutral title*. Besides, I don’t necessarily think they went wrong, simply made a few poor choices, which will be hard to overcome and could translate into fewer subscriptions at launch and over the first few months…

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