Siege of Mirkwood Contest Winners

Siege of Mirkwood

Below are the winners I chose for the Siege of Mirkwood upgrade key contest, based on how hard I laughed.

Each winner has been given a free Siege of Mirkwood upgrade key for the North American accounts (Turbine run servers).

Caption 1
(Submitted by MU): “You know, this doesn’t have to be the LONE lands…”
(Submitted by CH): “Dear Gandalf, You take the Hobbits to Rivendale, Something’s come up.”
(Submitted by JB): “She’s totally giving me her ‘Light of the Eldar’, if you know what I mean.”

Caption 2
(Submitted by CS): “Fearing that their armies are underpowered, the Dwarves and Elves devise a way to create a new army. Unfortunately, they need the war to be over before the spring because, well…”

Caption 6
(Submitted by MH): “Little did Frodo know that in that jolly instant the ring slipped from his pocket and fell to the ground. He had to start that whole [CENSORED] Ring quest over again.”

Thanks to Turbine for the upgrade keys and congratulations to the winners!

– Ethic

Thank You

I just wanted to say thanks for spending a little of your precious time here at KTR over the past year. It’s been a lot of fun getting to know so many of you and talking about a common passion we all have. Hope you all have a safe and happy New Year’s Eve and a great 2010.

I’d also like to thank a group of sites that have sent a lot of traffic here over the past 12 months and they are as follows:

VirginWorlds, thanks Brent.
All the great folks over at Massively.
Scott Jennings at Broken Toys.
Everyone at Guild Wars.
The staff at
Keen and Graev.
Syp at Bio Break, probably the best MMO blog out there.
Tipa at West Karana, you rock!
All the people behind the Official Guild Wars Wiki.
The folks at Guild Wars 2 Guru.
Who can forget about Tobold?
Sanya’s amazing Eating Bees.
Green Armadillo over at Player Versus Developer.
Syncaine at Hardcore Casual.
And finally everyone over at

– Ethic

Siege of Mirkwood Contest

Siege of Mirkwood

UPDATE: CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED. Winners will be announced soon. Thanks!

It’s a caption contest! Choose one of the six images linked below and then send me an email with the caption image number and your caption.

I’m going to limit it to five entries per person but please send them all in one email.

Five winners will be selected by me as the sole judge, based purely on how hard I laughed.

Each winner will receive a free Siege of Mirkwood upgrade key. Note: the keys are for the North American accounts (Turbine run servers). So while technically anyone can use them, they’ll only update your account if you are on the US servers.

Caption 1
Caption 2
Caption 3
Caption 4
Caption 5
Caption 6

Contest Ends December 31st, 2009 at midnight Central time US (or when I fall asleep that night, whichever comes first). That means sooner is better than later.

Thanks to Turbine for the upgrade keys. And good luck to you!

– Ethic

No Big Damn Heroes

Mal: Well, look at this! Appears we got here just in the nick of time. What does that make us?
Zoe: Big damn heroes, sir!
Mal: Ain’t we just?

In Fallen Earth, I am not a big damn hero. I am not really a hero at all. Mostly I am just trying to get by without becoming a meal. A survivor if you will.

Ammunition is limited. If I want to shoot a bullet I need to make it first. Every time I fire a shot and it misses, seeing the bullet ricochet in the dirt behind my target makes me die a little inside each time. My own! My precious!

I don’t want to have some post-apocalyptic freaks rape me to death, eat my flesh and sew my skin into their clothing. Not even if I’m very very lucky and they do it in that order. I want to live.

Bang Bang

Bang bang, I shot you down
Bang bang, you hit the ground

– Ethic

Macbeth, Fallen Earth Style

At Depot 66 I was involved in choosing which play the locals would put on. I chose Macbeth and since I picked it I decided to watch. It is now presented here in tl;dr text form (with spoilers?) in the best way I could put together using screen captures and some free OCR software.

Macbeth says: If it were done when ‘tis done, then ‘twere well It were done quickly.
Macbeth says: If the assassination could trample up the consequence, and catch with his turkeys success;
Macbeth says: That but this blow might be the be-all and the end-all here.
Macbeth says: But here, upon this bang and shoot of time, we’ld jump the life to come.
Macbeth says: But in these cases we still have judgment here;
Macbeth says: That we but teach bloody instructions, which, being taught, return to plague the inventor.
Macbeth says: This even-handed justice commends the ingredients of our poison’d chalice to our own lips.
Macbeth says: He’s here in double trust; First, as I am his kinsman and his subject, Strong both against the deed;
Macbeth says: Then, as his host; who should against his murderer shut the door; Not bear the knife myself. Continue reading Macbeth, Fallen Earth Style

Exploring Fallen Earth

I’ve been struggling over the last month or so, trying to define the ways I enjoy playing Fallen Earth and I’ve not had much luck. Maybe if I just start hitting the small points, a bigger picture will form.

I first started playing and everything was confusing. Somehow I found I enjoyed this. After all, I am a clone that just woke up and realized what is happening in the world around me. Things would be confusing. Soon I escaped from the Hoover Damn and joined the outside world.

There were a lot of quests to do but I kind of felt tired of questing so I went in to town to see if I could learn more about crafting. It didn’t take long before I was questing anyway in order to learn how to craft. It seemed more interesting as the rewards were often crafting skill books which allowed me to craft more items.

I learned quite early on that pretty much anything you need can be acquired in one of 3 ways: craft it, buy it, or gather it (harvesting or hunting). This opens up a lot of doors for playing how you want to. If you like to craft, make it. If you are in a hurry, buy it. If you want some adventure, go out and find it.

Continue reading Exploring Fallen Earth

Come Back to Age of Conan, Get Beta For The Secret World

I just got an email from Funcom making me a reasonably tempting offer:

Special subscription offers and double XP throughout November!

Today we launched a new campaign with some massive rewards on purchases of longer period subscriptions.

If you extend your subscription to Age of Conan in November, you will receive some amazing rewards:

  • Extend by 3 months and get a guaranteed access to the beta test for The Secret World *
  • Extend by 6 months and get an epic helmet for Age of Conan with a 10% XP boost + the reward above
  • Extend by 12 months and get the Age of Conan: Rise of the Godslayer expansion for free plus both rewards mentioned above **
  • If you just recently extended your subscription, don’t worry. Those who have committed to the 6 month or 12 month subscription after the 6th of October 2009 will automatically receive the corresponding reward too. Gametime purchased now will immediately give Veteran Points.
  • This offer is available until December 1st 2009, so don’t miss it!

    To properly celebrate this campaign we also activate double XP in Age of Conan for everyone all through the month of November! Use the /claim command to receive potions of double XP!

    * Access to later stages of the closed beta, date of access to be announced
    ** When launched in first half of 2010
    Each bonus item can only be received once per account. The helmet is made available to all characters on your account.

    This will require some quick contemplation. Most likely I’m going to pass.

    – Ethic

    Fallen Earth Goes Mobile

    I’ve seen this sort of thing talked about with other MMOs but it looks as if Fallen Earth will soon offer a mobile interface to the game.

    FALLEN EARTH, LLC, and Icarus Studios Inc., developers of the self-titled massively multiplayer online game (MMO), announced today the development of a cross-platform iPhone application, which allows players to connect into the live game server and interact with the game remotely via their iPhone.

    Through the new iPhone application, players will have constant access to Fallen Earth, which has been one of the most critically acclaimed releases this year. Through its interactive features, the application will allow Fallen Earth players to view their in-game character stats, mutations and trade skills as well as provide access to equipped and stored items. Players will also have the capacity to view maps for each of the three sectors in the 1,000 square kilometers of the game’s landscape.

    “Fallen Earth fans will have the ability to interact with the game when away from their PCs in a way never before seen in an MMO,” said Dave Haydysch, Project Manager of Fallen Earth. “With the Fallen Earth iPhone app, players will be able to play many aspects of the game in real-time while on-the-go.”

    Scheduled for release in Q1 of 2010, the application will feature extensive real-time management of several key in-game systems. Players will be able to manage their crafting queue, view recipes, craft items, buy and sell items at the Auction House as well as interact with friends, Clan members and other online players through multiple chat channels, mail and private messaging.


    – Ethic

    Custom Design

    The following is a guest post by Moormur.

    Greetings, readers! My name is Moormur. Some of you may know me from LOTROCast or the Galactic Holofeed, podcasts I co-host both with a very able crew. I am also an avid reader of all the stuff here at Kill Ten Rats. I refrain from posting commentary on my podcast websites for whatever reason, so I have asked Ethic here at Kill Ten Rats if he didn’t mind a guest column.

    I’ve been thinking lately of a trend of sorts in the MMO developing community…player designed content. I’m not talking about sandbox MMOs…those are really a topic for another time and place. I’m talking about when developers release a set of tools in a theme park style MMO that allows players to create missions. City of Heroes, as far as I know, was really the first to do this. Now, my former MMO Star Wars: Galaxies has put out their own set of tools with the Chronicle Master.

    Continue reading Custom Design