
I saw a car with rims today. I hate those. Why would you sacrifice function and safety for appearance? Oh, that is probably why my characters look like that.

: Zubon

They also look dumb. Dating for gamers note: do not advertise that you have poor taste and make poor money decisions.


On our new Wii, we have only played Wii Sports so far, and no boxing because we have only one nunchuk. On the tennis court, she serves much better, and I have a good net game. She bowls more strikes, but I can pick up difficult spares. We need other couples to play against, so that we can team up. We bowl better without pants. That could be an issue.

We need to get an MMO going together sometime. She likes hitting things with swords, and I like support. I hear that it is always easy to find some damage dealers once you have your tank and healer.

: Zubon

Enter: The Shoveler

City of Heroes Issue 11 will include weapon customization. This includes a shovel as a weapon (War Mace, I presume). The two new power sets were mentioned in previous CoX updates. “Ouroboros” will include the long-awaited flashback system with bonus fun like detailed handicapping and difficulty control. Also, new inventions.

Did City of Heroes need “ultra-rare” loot? Were people saying that they were not spending enough time farming the same thing repeatedly? Someone looked at the current rare inventions and thought everyone had too many? Someone looked at the games where you have a 2.5% chance of getting a purple of one mob that spawns every three days and said, “Yes, that is what our players want!”?

He shovels well.

: Zubon

Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

If you have not been to Tweety‘s shop, Guildcafe, I have been thinking of it as MySpace for online gamers. It is funny that I do not have a MySpace account, despite my wife’s pushing, but I signed up here on the theory of “what the heck.” Maybe I can track down some old names from Asheron’s Call at some point.

You can find Kill Ten Rats folks at:

If any other staff get profiles, I will list them.

If you are signed up and have been wondering how to send us friend requests, there you go. If you have not, hey, list one of us as a referrer when you do, so we can get valuable points that can be used for … okay, we get points. We are gamers, that is what we do.

: Zubon

I will stop calling them “Lum” and “Tweety” once I start using my own name instead of “Zubon.” I don’t think I will have a job in the industry any time Real Soon Now.

Mythic Sends You Boobies

I just got the new Warhammer Online Newsletter. This NSFW lady greets you right at the top. Is there some rule that the dark-skinned elves cannot have any clothing, or is that all female characters in MMORPGs? The dark-skinned elves also do not have nipples, it seems.

It also includes a fan art gallery, with the top picture being from a D&D book. I guess no one in the review process owns Tome of Battle. Come on, guys, get some nerds on the project.

I would link you to the newsletter itself, but it is not in their archives as I type this.

: Zubon

Time Frame

One of those mistakes that people keep making is how long it takes to make a MMO. Schedules get pushed back and the game releases massively bugged anyway. Though I have never made an MMO, my experience with planning tells me how long it will take to make the next one: about as long as it took to make the last comparable one.

All those reasons why your game will be done faster and cheaper than the last one? Lies. If you believe them, you are deluded. Your only hope is to skip some steps by borrowing an existing engine, and even then your new features will make your game take as long as usual.

On average, there is no difference between what people predict as the “realistic” time frame and the “best case scenario” time frame. Think about that one for a moment. Your schedule assumes that nothing will go wrong. Where you left slack, you left it only for problems you know you will face, without slack for the unknown, even when you know there will be unknown problems. It won’t help anyway, since your staff is already planning to use up that margin of error like an o-ring.

The fun part is that the more you know, the worse your schedule will be. More detail makes the problem worse. You know that step A will take 10 man-months, step B will take 15 man-months … and no, your perfect schedule is going to fall apart. You will get far more accurate predictions by looking at the last three similar projects and assuming you will take about that long. I have a highly detailed task list, and I use it only to bludgeon work from co-workers. I would never go so far as to expect us to meet the schedule. I mean, I used to, but then you get your first job or college paper, and reality sets in.

: Zubon

Go Stags!

Tim Harford’s comments on a bank run in the UK reminds me that we have an extensive body of research that we can apply to gaming. Appropriately, this is game theory. You have probably noticed that most game developers keep trying to rediscover the wheel when dozens of companies have already made all the relevant mistakes. When Jessica Mulligan stopped writing Biting the Hand, she commented along those lines: no one was making new mistakes, just the same ones over and over again.

Mr. Harford’s example is about group versus solo play. Yes, at British banks. Everyone would prefer to be in a good group, but a bad group is worse than solo play. Yes, there is a large body of academic work that revolves around that one sentence.

MMOs are a more tenuous game than the standard stag hunt. Game theory is usually stated in terms of two players; MMO groups have five or more in a group, and let’s not get to raids. In MMO groups, one weak player may not spoil the hunt but a couple will, and one severe idiot will leave you further from the level cap than where you started. Is it any wonder that so many of us are hunting rabbits?

Do we need an extended treatment of this concept? We could delve into economic theory of the firm and how it applies to guilds.

: Zubon

Only on-topic by name, my undergrad had good news earlier this month and better news this week. That is about $200,000 of good news per student. Kupo!

11 Written Backwards

As a hero, you will change the world. Unfortunately, the world has been changed on you.

Welcome to a City of Heroes where no hero or villain has ever beaten the tutorial, where the villains never seized power, and where the 5th Column need not return because it never left.

Welcome to Issue 11. Coming sometime in a few months, to a server near you.

: Zubon

Update: there is an ouroboros wallpaper for it. Not terribly exciting, perhaps.